Friday, January 31, 2014

The last day of January 2014

Today is a day to reflect.  A day to look back at the month.  I have a couple of stories to share: 

His name was  Bruce.  Bruce passed away the first week in January.  Bruce was a very nice gentleman that worked in my building.  Bruce worked for  Bolt Brothers.   Bolt Brothers is a firm that does the maintenance around our break rooms, bathroom and any clean up in our building.  Bruce would pass long my floor 3-4 times a day.  I would run into him often and I often made it point to thank him for taking good care of us and for keeping all the areas neat and clean.   Three weeks after his passing, I noticed that things just are not the same.  Those areas that were always spic and span are just a little messier.  The trash bins do not get emptied as often.  The bathroom use to always have plenty of supplies and had a good smell.  That is not the case anymore.  The smiling face that would chat for a few short seconds each day is no longer there.   I am certain that someone is now doing Bruce’s job but I can sure see the difference. 

I think Bruce was in his 60’s.  I do not know this for sure.  However in my mind I would guess at some time in his life Bruce held a much more prestigious job.  He dressed impeccably and had such a nice demeanor.  Perhaps his job with Bolt Brothers was a part time job he took after retiring or maybe he had raised his family and could take on a less stressful job.  I will never know.  

I will go out on a limb and say that I believe the Bruce was a very content man. Today I question what makes a person content.  Is it the job a person holds?  Is it the quality of work a person does in the job they have accepted? Is it knowing that in your life you will have great jobs and some OK job and you need to do the best with whatever you are doing?  Is it knowing that you raised an amazing set of kids?  Is it attaining a certain salary?  Is it paying off your house?  Is it looking for all that is good in the world? Is it stopping each day and talking with someone who you come into contact with?  Is it taking time to listen to those around you, knowing that you would rather be doing something else? 

Bruce emptied those trashcans, wiped out those sinks, replaced the paper towels, swept up the spills on the floors, pushed a utility cart around all day long and made my working environment just a little bit better.  He seemed content with his life.  I want to take the lead from Bruce and live my life that way. 

His name was Todd.  Todd was a coworker who passed away on Jan 14.  Todd was a developer on our team.  Todd was a great guy. He always smiled and found the best in things.  He was funny and was always a joy to be around.  Todd was married to a great girl and had 3 sons.  I could tell he was a great husband and father.  Todd also had an strong belief in God and that belief funneled to his wife and his boys. 

After his passing many folks posted on his Facebook page tons of stories about him. At the wake, they celebrated his life.   There was some tears along with times of laughter.  My take away from that service was that each of us should live our days like Todd, with a smile on our face and always being upbeat and positive.  That way Todd's impact on us (even for a short time) will not be in vain.  

I would wager that Todd was a content man.  

I celebrated my 55th birthday in January.  I got lots of nice gifts from my family.  They always do things to make me feel very special.  I think the best gift this year was having my Dad be here with me.  After the end of 2013 with all of his heart issues this is something I can no longer take for granted.  However with his surgery, I am confident that I will have him with me for a few more years.  

Am I content? Oh this month, there have been times when I have wanted for things!  However today, as I look back on the month, I am content knowing that I have my dad with me for more time and I am content knowing that I have been touched by many people this month and that I have learned things from all of these interactions that will benefit me the rest of my life.  

Today I say a prayer in memory of Bruce and Todd.  I hope that they are looking down on me and this blog.  Content.  Knowing that their lives have inspired me to be a better person!!  I say a prayer for my Dad. Thanking God for watching over him during his surgery and giving him to me for a few more years in my life.  What a gift!

In closing - so long January and I have my eyes rooted on February and all that is before me.  I will be watching for more ways to channel being content into my life!!  :0) Stay tuned.  

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